Tuesday, October 2, 2007

Our September!!!!

I know it has been a long time since I posted anything and I apologize. September was a very busy month for our family. Dylan started kindergarden at Dry Hollow Elementary, go viking's. Jadyn started her second year of preschool at Great n' Small. I started back to nursing school to finish up my RN. Edson has been working nights full time and establishing his online business. Dylan also started playing soccer this year and he is really enjoying it.

Dylan was very excited to start school but when he got there the first day and his best friend was in the morning class instead of his he was pretty bummed. He is finally starting to make new friends and getting used to having to sit still in class. He has decided that preschool was much funner then kindergarden.

Jadyn was scared to go to preschool the first day because Dylan would not be there. When I came to pick her up however she cried and through a fit because she did not want to leave. Her teachers say she is really coming out of her shell this year. I responded with, "what shell".

So far nursing school has not been too bad. we are focusing on pysch nursing these first few weeks and it is very interesting. I can't wait to learn how to start IV's and clinicals. This year we are more on our own and don't have to wait for an instructor to perform our skills. It has been crazy getting everyone where they need to be but I am loving it. Watching Dylan grow and start to read is just indescribable.

I will try to keep this more up to date. No promises though. Amy